Saturday, September 1, 2007


Shoulder and spine tilts to the right.

Weight is on the balls of the feet, arms hanging from the shoulders. Bend over from hips , flex knees slightly.

Upper body tilts slightly to the right. Inside of heels matches with inside of shoulders


Let's start with a short iron like 7 or 8 iron. The tilt in your spine and width of your stance will increase slightly as the length of the club increases.

  • Hold the club and let it rest in front of your body.

  • Take your stance approximately shoulder width with your toes pointing out 20 to 30 degrees. The inside of your heels should match the with the inside of your shoulders for irons. For woods, just stand a couple inches wider.

  • Flex your knees slightly with the weight on the balls of your feet evenly distributed on both feet.

  • Bend over from your hip flexor and tilt slightly to the right. Keep bending over until the clubhead grounds, about 3 inches inside of your left heel.

  • Point the butt of your grip towards your waistline, with your hands in front of the inside of your left thigh

  • Keep your chin up.


  • You should feel very atheletic at the address position, leaning forward slightly

  • A straight line should form from between the back to the middle of the shoulder, touching the front of the knees and on top of the balls of the feet(usually the shoelaces closest to the toes)

  • There should be a gap for a fist to fit through between the back of your hands and the front of your thighs

  • Your arms should hang naturally from your shoulders

  • Hands should be directly under chin

  • Wiggle your toes, make sure your weight is on the balls of your feet

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