L to L or 9 to 3 o'clock positions
- From the takeaway, continue to rotate your body and arms and hinge your wrist until your left arm is parallel to the ground.
- Your weight will be more on your right hip.
- Your spine is centered over the ball.
- Your left arm will be fairly straight but not rigid. That will maintain the proper width in the backswing. It should also be parallel and directly above your toe line.
- A rough right angle will form between your left arm and shaft and your right bicep and forearm.
- Your shoulders are turned about 75 degrees, hips close to 45 degrees.
- The butt of the shaft should point more or less towards your target line.
- From there, start the downswing by shifting your weight to your left side followed by hands leading the clubhead.
- You want to catch the ball first then the ground. Keep your eyes focused on the inner quater of the ball, 3-9 o'clock spot.
- You want to finish with weight on your left side, hips facing the target with weight on your left, club in front of you.
Swing freely with miminal tension. Feel the weight of the clubhead and use that to swing down and through the ball. Practice this 3/4 backswing until you consistently hit crisp shots before you move on to the full swing. If you're practicing on grass, the divot should start after the ball.
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