Saturday, September 1, 2007


At impact, the shoulders are square, hips open, weight on the left, same spine ahgle as address, hands forward of ball.

There are many different swing but all the good ball strikers have a similar impact position.

  • From the downswing, continue to rotate and shift your weight to left side by moving your left hip up and around your left side.
  • Hitting down at the ball is the proper way to elevate the golf ball using the loft on the club. Imagine a nail sticking out of the ground on a slight angle almost parallel to the ground. Your want to hammer the nail into the ground with a shallow descending angle of the clubhead
  • You should make contact right in the middle of the ball, like the equator on the earth, the divot starts after the ball is hit.
  • Your weight is mostly on your left side, right heel slightly off the the ground. Hands ahead of the ball with square shoulders and opened hips.
  • You want a sensation of compressing the ball.

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