Saturday, September 1, 2007


Golfers often hit roadblocks in their improvement. The better you get, the more difficult it becomes to shave off strokes. Here are a few tips that might help you reach your goals: Get involved in a physical fitness program. Some people who are overweight and stiff don't improve simply because they are physically unable to make a good golf swing.

Get solid instruction from a professional. Don't try to figure it out by yourself. Improvement requires patience; a slight change in your swing might take months to become comfortable. If you're impatient, you're in for a lot of frustration. Always remember that no one, no matter how long they've played and how many lessons they've taken, has never mastered golf. Have a good attitude and keep things in perspective.

When going to the range try the following:

  • Stretch
  • Start with a short iron, take easy swings, then progress up to the longer clubs
  • Focus on fundamentals and tempo
  • Balance your practice by working on different areas of your game
  • STOP when tired!!! No point practicing when you can't focus or make proper swings.

Be very patient taking one step at a time and focusing on not more then a couple things at a time. Get help with a professional who focus on fundamentals.

Click Here! Online Golf Biomechanics Analysis And Tailor-Made Golf Fitness Training Program That Analyzes And Fixes Your Posture, Mucle Imbalances And Swing Faults For A Better Golf Game.

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