Saturday, September 1, 2007


Top left: Notice how much the hands released the club, right fingers just touching the grip.

Top right: Spine angle maintains the same on the follow through. Feels like lying on the pillow on the right side of your face.

Weight on left, arms releasing and extending down the target line maintaining spine tilt.

Turn clubhead for release

Forearms and wrist rotate through.

Lower body is out of the way so the arms can swing through.

The key to a good follow-through is a proper release of the clubhead.

From the impact position, the clubhead continues to extend down the target line with both arms straight maintaining your spine angle.

  • Weight shift and body rotation continues with the feel of a slight stretch on your left obliques.

  • Weight is on your left foot .

  • Right foot is up on the toe and right heel is off the ground.

  • Hands are over your left shoulder.

  • Chest and hips are facing your target.

  • Spine is tilted slightly to the right.

Most important about follow through is proper extension of the arms on the right path.

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